Thursday, February 4, 2010

Don't we make anything in America?? Bay Bridge Construction

So here in the Bay Area on the morning news everyone is all excited that the first giant permanent peice of the bay bridge's new span has been put into place, that's great and all but what made me stop and take pause was that they were all excited that this first peice of the steel structure had arrived to the site from , you guessed it, come on people are you telling me that we don't have any steelworkers in America? This is getting ridiculous there are so many American's out of work, and the Bay Bridge is a HUGE project a feat of engineering that is supposed to last ages and be one of the major points of the San Francisco Skyline known throughout the world....and you are telling me that we couldn't figure out a way to make this bridge here in america, that we thought cutting some corners and having it done cheaper in China was the best idea for a bridge that most of us will be trusting our lives to everyday, day after day through the possiblity of an earthquake happening while you are on it...China isn't exactally known for producing the highest quality goods to ship here to America...I am sorry but the thought of all the people that would have been employeed here in the states making the steel turning the steel into a peice of the bridge, shipping the thing to San francsico from where ever they made it, well SHAME ON YOU Cal Trans or whoever in the City decided having it made for half Price in China was the best way to go...Who knows mayeb once the bridge is done they can hang back up those little sparkling lights we all love to see in the skyline and have them spell out MADE IN CHINA right across the Suspension Portion of the there is a site to behold, the remaking of America......

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