Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Norton antivirus rant, what has become of customer appreciation

Ok this just anoying the hell out of me so I have to rant a minute. Norton Anti virus has changed the way it works apparently. Ued to be you bought it you paid for it you had your antivirus protection, it included a certain time of updates so you would be protected against new threats right. When that expired you couldnt get updates for new viruses, but you could still scan your computer and you were still protected from stuff you still had protection that you paid for when you bought the program. Well not now, now my Norton antivirus has a nice pop up that screams you are no longer protected against new threats you need to update, so I am like no not at this time because I basically can't aford it at the moment. The notice continues ot pop up over and over and over again. That in itself is annoying enough, but what really gets me is not only is that damn notice popping up but now when my program goes to run its daily scan it pops up and says THE SCAN WILL NOT RUN UNLESS YOU PURCHASE NEW SUBSCRIPTION, so now i can't even scan for old threats usuing the definitions that were installed when I intially bought the software. basically now a days when you buy Norton antivirus you buy NOTHING, you merely RENT the ability to scan your computer as long as you have currrent subscription the minute that runs out all you have is a very annoying pop up ad on your computer. BOOOOOOOOO Norton, shame on you, yes times are tuff all over but you knew you had the best product, why not let the people who purchased it from you use it, if they can't afford to pay over 80 bucks to renew the update service you should let them use the software they intitally paid all that money for, instead all you give us is an annoying pop up ad and an unprotected system. You know most of us can get free virus protection through our cable companies internet, or we can go with what windows includes. We don't have to choose your product you should really think about that before you try and force people into renewing the subscription to updates instead of disabling the software we already paid for....
Today I am uninstalling Norton and going with Mcafee instead. I would have renewed norton when i had the cash since having up to date virus definitions is important, but the fact they coerce customers into renewing by disabling software that was paid for already from running scans with the definitions the customer already paid to recieve is just ridiculous!!

And that is my rant for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Norton Bites.....always has always will. back when there was like....4 virus companies..yup they were the top. Try Super anti spyware (can get it free at cnet.com one of my favorites
