Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prop 8 in the news

So I sit here with my coffee the kids are eating pancakes for breakfast, my husband has the day off he is cooking up a storm. I am allowed a nice relaxing morning with my coffee watching the news and of course in the headlines here in the Bay Area is news about the Prop 8 Trial, on wether or not to uphold the ruling that overturned the right for Gays and Lesbians to Marry in California. Now maybe I am nuts but all that keeps coming into my mind is this. Wasn't our country founded on the principal that all of us are 'Endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness." Its that last part that seems so very easy to understand. We have people in this great nation of ours, grown up consenting adults, living their lives just like us, out there in the world everyday waking up and getting on with life, they meet someone special, that wonderful thing happens most of us have felt it you have found that one person that means so very much to you that you can not imagine a day going by without that person by yourside. It happened to me and my husband, we have been together over 11 years now we have three beautiful children, we are persuing our happiness. Why then do some people feel the need to deny this pursuit of happiness to so many just because the person that makes them happy happens to be the same gender they are.

I just don't get it, I have heard all the arguments, and no matter how long I listen to them I still don't understand why some people will spend so very much of their energy to ensure that they can deny fellow Americans, fellow human beings from their right to the pursuit of happiness. As a hetrosexual married mother of three I can't for the life of me find a single reason that allowing other people to marry the person they love and persue their own happiness could ever cause any type of harm to my own marriage or my own family. When our fellow humans are persuing happiness in their own life and relationships how does that hurt us? Well it doesn't. It just means there are more people in the world doing the same thing we are allowed to do each day, wake up, face the day together, work for the things in life that make us happy.

Some people out there seem to feel very very strongly that the right to the pursuit of happiness is only for those certain people who fit into a certain mold of what is 'acceptable'. When consenting adults fall in love it doesnt matter if they have different shaped eyes or different color skin, they are still allowed to get married, it doesnt matter if one of them is catholic and one of them is jewish, they are allowed to get married, one may be tall and one might be short, one might have red hair and one might have no hair at all they are still allowed to get married, why then do people spend so much time so much energy so very much anger and disgust to make sure that when one of those people is male and the other is male they are NOT allowed to get married, if one is female and the other happens to be female too they are NOT allowed to get married. No matter how often I think about it, it is just plain ridiculous. We are all people, we are the human race, we are American citizens, we are consenting adults why on earth do we feel the need to prevent others from getting married.

Nothing will be lost if we let go of hate and fear and disgust and stop listening to that nonsense and instead turn inward to our deepest hearts and think to ourselves "endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights" and before we try and prevent someone from having their right to the pursuit of happiness think about how much having that right means to you and yours.

Gays and Lesbians getting married won't cause the sky to crash in on us I promise, it won't cause dogs and cats to fly like birds or everyone on the planet to suddenly turn gay, I promise. The same way allowing Blacks and Whites to use the same bathrooms didn't end the world, and allowing women the right to cast a vote in an election didn't destroy America. It won't hurt us, if anything it will make us all better human beings, when we allow our fellow humans the same rights we ourselves enjoy and take for granted everyday. The pursuit of happiness.........

I need more coffee. :)

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