Tuesday, January 12, 2010

SO even I decided I needed a Blog

Oh yeah, I decided this morning while chatting with my husband over coffee about all the bizzare things we humans decide to throw so much energy into, that I needed a place to vent all the crisscrossing, crashing, banging, taking up space in my head thoughts that run rampant through my brain throughout the day. As our conversation jumped from local news, to human rights, to the dumbing down of America and then back ot our old favorite of why is it manufactures can list ingredients on a product and have one of the ingredients listed be 'flavorings'. Thats when I thought you know I need a blog. Everyone else has one, I need a place I can randomly mention to no one in particular how weird it is that 'flavorings' is an ingredient.....they should just write on the label....'some other stuff' it means the same thing.

So if you are interested in what random thoughts are running through my head, (don't mind mispellings, bad grammar and run on sentences) this would be the place to find out.

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