Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where is here

Here is back in California. My Husband and I had a brief stint living out in Arizona and let me tell you for two native Californians living in Arizona was like living on the moon. Dry, lifeless, devoid of any interesting points of reference. It might be better there if you are a native, but we had no family there..anyways we took an awesome opportunity to move back home to the Bay Area....right into a darling little duplex, next door to my MOTHER-IN-LAW.

So to get the full feeling of our new home, we have mom and dad in law right next door, and one door down to the right we have sister in law and family...this block is now like a TV show. You know what I mean, on sitcoms it is always so bizarre people constantly just walk into each others houses without knocking and start right into the middle of very strange conversations. In my house never again can someone just walk around in their underwear cause at any moment the door might blow open and you never know who will walk in.

Along with our new home I now have a new set of white plastic forks and knives and sporks from various resturaunts, normally I would throw these right into the recyling bin, I tried to do that after we moved in, but they were gathered up and given back to me by mom. Yep the must be handwashed and kept in the silverware drawer, if she spots one in the trash lord help me.

Now I truly love her she has been a mother to me, and loves me and treats me just like she does her daughters by birth..which means of course I will be hand washing plastic sporks till my fingers bleed. On they upside they match my new set of plastic plates that I have learned to handwash and save after having mistakenly bought them for Thanksgiving thinking they would make cleanup so much easier if only i had used the stoneware I coulda have used the dishwasher....

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